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Beautiful things are happening too.

Congratulations to everyone with a new baby or one or two on the way. Life goes on and lovely things happen every day. Jo, a local resident, gave birth on 17 March to a beautiful baby girl. “Our daughter arrived three days before the lockdown. We were advised to self-isolate so have pulled up the drawbridge and have been trying to make the most of this special time – that newborn smell, intense love and the feeling of a newborn asleep on your chest. While family and friends have only so far met her through Facetime, we’ve been blown away by the support of friends and neighbours – virtually and physically. Although the last fortnight has no doubt had its challenges, it’s also made us look around and really be grateful for what we do have – our little family are safe together, the kindness of friends, the arrival of Spring and sunshine.” Welcome to our world!–Supportfor- new-moms-in-Lewisham


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