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Come and have fun with Green Eggs and Ham

With all the talk of fire and fury, we’ve decided our front page should be all about fun. We want to invite you, your friends and family to our annual community day on Saturday 16 September, at Besson Street Community Garden. 

This year’s theme is Dr Suess’s Cat in the Hat. We’re celebrating the 60th anniversary of this great book along will all things Dr Suess. If you are not already familiar with this madness, Cat in the Hat is a funny and mean, endearing, rude and crazy story that can bring a smile and a belly laugh to anyone of any age. 

Our community day is open to everyone. We want you to come along and enjoy the beautiful Besson Street Community Garden and take part in the fun activities, including games and crafts, films and stories, quizzes, a treasure hunt, and great Dr Suess books to win. there will be tea and cake (and other refreshments) provided by our usual delightful caterers from New Cross Learning, and all the proceeds from the refreshments will go towards keeping that fabulous place open. If that isn’t exciting enough, we’ve also got the annual second hand saturday market where you can shop ’til you drop, pawing over other people’s unwanted treasures. 

Its on your doorstep, its free, it’ll happen come rain or shine, so put it in your diary now. If you’d like to book a stall for secondhand saturday, if you’ve got clothes, books, records, CDs, toys, go to, click on events and book your stall for just £5 or call us on 0207 639 7605. 


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