Urgent Plea – Supplies for our NHS https://youtube.be/RmnfD6BFQE4 food, toiletries, toilet rolls etc need for NHS staff. All donations to 401 Lewisham High Street, London SE13 6NZ Need some Help? Are you unable to leave or concerned about leaving your home? Do you need someone to run errands, do your shopping, cook food or pick up a prescription? Or maybe you want to someone to talk to? Please text or ring 07395 371 571 if you want to help your neighbours or go to the tinyurl.com/HatchamJoin to join the organising WhatsApp group. HatchamMutualAid@gmail.com New Cross Mutual Aid Centre at The Field, 385 Queens Road, SE4 5HD – 07857 024 435 – opening hours 12 – 2pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Email: newxmutualaid@riseup.net Can provide weekly deliveries. Donations also wanted: non-perishable foods: tinned food, pasta, rice, dried foods; cleaning products: medical supplies: Paracetamol, inhalers;Baby products: nappies, wipes, baby formula. If you are in need of assistance whether due to isolation or you are in need of supplies, please feel free to call or email and we will do our best to help. Volunteers are also welcome. Call in or call us. Feed the Hill – are offering food support for families in need call Victoria on 07462 574 516. For others there is a food box delivering service. A box for 4 people is £25. Feed the Hill are also helping with basic grocery shopping and pharmacy pick-ups for anyone self-isolating, elderly or housebound – call 07538 437 216. This group covers Telegraph Hill, Honor Oak, Hatcham and Kender. If you live on Honor Oak Estate Sam Dias, Peabody Rep on the Honor Oak Tenants and Residence Association, is the contact for help and support in the area her number is 07979 247776 Lewisham Local and Rushey Green Time bank are currently leading a Lewisham wide community response to helping those in need during the coronavirus outbreak. Please visit their website for help in accessing food, keeping healthy, looking after your mental health, finding out about volunteering, support with benefits and services, and much more. https://www.lewishamlocal.com/category/communityresponse/
Early Years Educators – This is is child minding and nanny support group with relevant information, empathy and even humour whenever required. We share news, updates on legislation, ideas, issues and offer helping hands, and giggles too. We share vacancies with parents permission.We are in our fifth year of supporting our great child caring key workers. Please contact admin on 07926 958 940 to be part of this group. Fresh Fruit and Veg – For people struggling to get fruit and veg in the shops, or for those currently in isolation, the New Covent Garden are now providing home delivery boxes of fruit and veg so that this does not go to waste. See attached for more details: www.newcoventgarden.com Assistance for local people Please find attached links to the following areas of support for people facing financial difficulties on account of the COVID-19 crisis: Self Employment and Universal Credit: https://www.gv.uk/self-employment-and-universal-credit Employment and Support Allowance: https://www.gov.uk/employment-support-allowance Covid-19 Small business government grant: https://smallbusiness. co.uk/how-do-i-get-the-goverment-3000-coronavirus-grant-2549866/ Coronavirus business interruption Loan: https://smallbusiness.co.uk/how-do-i-apply-for-a-coronavirus- business-interruption-loan-2549863/