Besson Street Community Garden is a glorious space for all the community to enjoy. It is home to amazing exotic plants from around the world…
Cuppa Club – third Friday every month
If you are over 50 and enjoy a cuppa, some cake and a chat why not join the JOY Cuppa Club?
We meet the third Friday every month at Besson Street Community Garden (indoor space and outdoor space available). Please join us!
Green fingers? Join our gardening club – Mondays and Wednesdays
The garden is maintained entirely by our fabulous volunteer gardening team. Some of whom are experienced and knowledgeable while others are new to gardening and learning as they go along. We have a warm welcome extended to anyone with any level of experience and knowledge who wants to join our team.
Why not come along, meet the volunteers, look around the garden and see if it something you would like to be part of. Gardening keeps us both mentally and physically fit and being connected to nature and other people makes life so much better.
Gardening club meets every Monday 1 pm to 3 pm and every Wednesday 12 noon till 2 pm.
Just turn up.