We are really pleased to be able to reopen our Stay and Play sessions at Besson Street Community Garden.
Working within the Government and WHO guidelines we are offering 5 pre-booked outdoor sessions throughout the day, all-day, every Tuesday starting 9.30 am Tuesday 9 June until Tuesday 14 July.
Carers and parents can sign up for a 45-minute pre-booked session by booking a slot on Eventbrite via this link.
Tickets will be released each week on a Wednesday morning for the following week’s sessions.
Each 45-minute session will be shared by three other ‘family groups’ all keeping the recommended social distance. A ‘family group’ can be made up of one adult (including child-minders) and up to three children. We appreciate that these groups may involve some school-age children who are not yet back at school, therefore we ask all adults to take full responsibility for all the children in their care during Stay and Play.
We are asking all Centre users to use our hand sanitizer when entering the garden and periodically throughout your stay. There will be hand sanitizer dispensers outside each room and on the covered stage in the garden.
There will be cloth masks or visors that you are welcome to use while in the garden. They will be carefully and thoroughly sanitised after each use. All play equipment and materials will be thoroughly cleaned at the start of the day and at the end of each play session.
Should you be unable to attend a pre-booked Stay and Play session we ask you to call Mina to cancel as soon as possible to give some other family the opportunity.
We look forward to seeing your smiling faces.