Stay and play sessions for under 5s and their families will commence again in September. Sessions will be ticketed, with tickets available to 16 families per session (in one hour slots of 8). Sessions can be booked from our Eventbrite site, and will be released one week in advance.
A ‘family group’ can be made up of one adult (including child-minders) and up to three children. We ask all adults to take full responsibility for all the children in their care during Stay and Play.
You can only book ONE session per day.Please bring your ticket to the gate for entry.
You only need ONE ticket per family. PLEASE do NOT book multiple tickets. We have limited space, but we do want this service to be available to as many families as possible. A ‘family group’ can be made up of one adult only (including child-minders) and up to three children.
Face coverings: all vistors to community centres are now required by law to wear a face covering when on site. This applies to the adult attending. Children under the age of 11 are not required to wear a face covering.
Hand washing and sanitising: Please ensure that you wash your hands thoroughly when entering the garden, or use our hand sanitiser (which is available at the entrance and in various places around the site). Please use these periodically throughout your stay, and do the same with your child.
Social distancing: It is important that you continue to maintain a 2m distance from other adults on site at all times. We recognise that it is difficult for child(ren) to maintain 2m distances. For this reason, please do not attend the session if you or your child is at all unwell, or for 7 days afterwards if they have been ill.
Facilites: Unlike our normal service, you are currently not permitted to make use of our kitchen facilities. If you would like a refreshment while you are on site, you are advised to bring your own. Please bring these in a reusable bottle, to minimise waste on site. Toilet facilities will be available and will be cleaned regularly.
Cleaning: All play equipment and materials will be thoroughly cleaned at the start of the day and at the end of each timed play session. Staff may also clean equipment after your child has finished playing with it, so that this can be passed on to another child during the course of the session.
Unwell or positive covid test: if you become unwell onsite, please distance yourself from others and tell a member of staff as soon as possible. We will ask you to leave the site to minimise any risk to others. You will be asked to book a COVID test and advise us of the outcome as soon as you receive it, to facilitate any necessary track and trace requirements. If you become unwell within 24 hours of attending a session, please let us know as soon as possible.
Should you be unable to attend a pre-booked Stay and Play session we ask you to call the centre as soon as possible to give some other family the opportunity.
We look forward to seeing your smiling faces. Thank you for your patience and understanding.