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We’re Talking a Load of Muck!

Please give us a fiver so we can buy a big bucket of muck! We need 15 tonnes of muck and compost to renew the soil in the gorgeous Besson Street Community Garden. Manure and compost will make our soil nutritious and luscious for the amazing plants and trees we grow. Our garden is full of trees from all around the world and reflects the gorgeous diverse community we live in.  None of us can live without trees yet many of us take them for granted. Yet without trees and plants we would have no oxygen. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen to help us breath.  The purest air in New Cross! In a recent scientific survey of pollution in the local area, Besson Street Community Garden came out top for pure air. This is no accident – having all of these wonderful trees and plants in the garden helps to clean the air of its pollutants.  Besson Street Community Garden is just that, a garden for the community which is maintained by local community volunteers. All of the activities we offer are for the local community.  A fiver will buy a good size bucket of good organic manure, a tenner will buy a large bag full and fifteen quid will buy us a barrowload. If you can make a small contribution to replenishing the soil, we can help make our trees the best they can be. 

Please contribute towards our appeal on: For information, please call Jill on 0207 639 7605. 


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