This is a new regular column where a local resident has their say about something on their mind. This month Reuben, aged 9, inspires us with what he learned on the environmental studies course at Besson Street Community Garden. Did you know that there is an amazing grass that can do wonders for our fragile planet? It grows easily and quickly and can be used in many different ways. As it is fast growing and highly sustainable it means if we keep planting it, it will keep growing, we can keep cutting it and keep using it. And while it’s growing it’s cleaning the air up to 30% more than any other plant on earth and it can be found in Besson Street Community Garden… and in my garden too! Can you guess what it is? It’s called bamboo. Bamboo can be made into thousands of sustainable products from clothing, nappies, buildings, toothbrushes, headphones… it is almost limitless in its uses. It has the same tensile strength as steel which means it is amazingly good for building shelters and slides (you can see this if you visit And it has the compound strength of brick, wood and some concretes. It really is astonishing. Bamboo can also be used in medicines and is a valuable source of food for Pandas and water for all creatures. There are so many different types and colours of bamboo, from black to pink to blue. It grows in borders and pots and makes the garden look beautiful. Sparrows and robins like to perch in ours. Climate change is threatening our planet and pushing Arctic and Antarctic habitats to their absolute limit. Our seas are rising and are full of plastic pollution. Instead of using fossil fuels to produce energy we can use sustainable energies from the wind, waves and the sun. Bamboo is easy to grow – anyone can do it – so why don’t you have a go and help the planet too? By Reuben, age 9
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